Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hello Baby!

How are you this afternoon? Do you like your new blanket so far? It's not perfect, but it should keep you warm anyway. It's seen lots of sun, heard lots of your sister and brother laughing, and felt lots of breezes blowing already. That way, even though the first part of your life out here will be cold and dark, you can still be wrapped up in a little summer, right? :)

That's your siblings you hear screaming now--they're going down the twisty slide. I love these peaceful times when they're busy and I can sit and feel you--to me it feels like you're already here with us, I can't wait until everyone else can meet you.

We're off for a bike ride now, Baby! The path is sun dappled and winding--it's peaceful and cool here in the woods!

Your brother likes to stop and look up at the tall, tall trees--he says, "See the sun up there, Mama?"

We can only admire it for a second--there's Abby, calling for us to hurry up before she gets lost "out here all by myself". On we go to the river!

The water is cool on our feet--do you hear the gurgly rapids and the big kids splashing?

They could play and explore here for hours.

I don't mind the view either...

Back on the road again, Baby. You're telling me it's supper time. And shadows are getting long--

And look, there you are again, Baby!

Even though you give me a crazy shadow and we got up four (4!!) times last night to use the bathroom, you're still worth it, only 3 more months!

1 comment:

blessedby6 said...

You are making me long for another baby, sniff sniff. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful week. We will have to catch up with email. BTW-you guys need at least as many babies as we have!