Monday, October 29, 2007

Aaaaaanddd...we're back!

Ok, sorry about the break in the action. We just kinda got taken over by meetings, being busy, sick and...stuff for a while there. We didn't have to make the Urgent Care trip, thank God. Ears seem fine, we're just dealing with runny noses and coughs now--almost done, I think. I'm ditching the alphabet (not that I COULDN'T make it, Mom, I just don't want to--it's stressing me out. :) )

The weather has been absolutely perfect lately. So beautiful! Abby's been practicing riding her bike a lot and is getting good! She looks so grown up pedaling along! She's also discovered glue sticks and scissors...there are bits and scraps all around the house, and gifted "masterpieces" adorn the fridge. She's really enjoying "school"--we enrolled in an Early Childhood Family Education class here at the elementary school--there's sibling care provided for Alex (which he's usually only him and one other little boy, very close to his age, in a HUGE room, FULL of the coolest toys!). When we get to class (on Monday mornings), there's a half hour of free playtime, then "circle time" (sing songs, teacher tells a story or does a puppet show, etc), then mommies go in a different room for grown-up conversation (!!!!) while kiddos (all 3 years old) stay and play. She's a little shy still, and doesn't always completely participate, but at least she wants to go back, and she doesn't fuss when I leave for the Mommy Time!

Alex is usually crabby at me when it's time to leave his buddy and room full of toys. He's started getting out of his crib, which is a joy (note the sarcasm?). He hasn't figured out how to be subtle yet though...he'll get out of his crib after bedtime, flick the light on and start playing with noisy toys...he's busted pretty easily. He's insistant that he be called "Doot Doot"--he'll correct us if we call him anything but. He says "No! DOOT DOOT!" when we slip up and call him Alex or Baby, or Sweetie, etc. Everyday he has more to say.

This is why I rarely shave my legs...this was a mommy-shower-time activity. I took these after removing the steak knife...Abby said, "I used the knife to open it! It was VERY helpful!" I'm sure it was...(they're HUGE cottage cheese fans, by the way.) No need to bother with bowls, or even spoons for that matter.

Some favorite playthings:

Waiting for Daddy...
Sunny fall days!!
Bj is still busy, busy with work. I've also picked up another day a week at work, so our time together is precious. Our 5th anniversary is coming up next week! He's already given me an anniversary gift, and it's a good 'n!!! A SCOOBA!! I don't think he realizes it, but he's given himself a little competition--I LOVE this thing, can't get enough! I would highly recommend it to ANYONE! I can nap and wash the kitchen floor at the same time! Yippee!
Anyway, I'm in floor heaven lately I guess--besides an effortlessly clean kitchen floor, Uncle Rick installed some killer new carpet for us! It's a dream come true and looks sooo fantastic! I love vacuuming it. The whole place looks bigger, brighter and cleaner, yay! He's the bomb, thanks Rick!
Okee dokey...I've got some videos trying to upload, but they may be too big...we'll see! Have a fantastic week!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Just stopping in to say "Hello, we're alive." Barely...battling the sickies this weekend/week. A trip to Urgent Care may be warrented tomorrow--we'll see how little ears are feeling in the morning.

We've been trying to adjust to the fall shift toward busy-ness. I'm reluctant to drop the summer ease for what feels like the more time demanding fall run around, and it's taking a bit for us to "find our groove". The balance between "have to", "want to" and "should" is so delicate, something is perpetually falling between the cracks. I suppose that's a sign that there's too many "somethings".

I've got many pictures and a couple videos waiting for upload, so I'll be back with more and better stuff soon--just wanted to poke my head up and give a wave! Hope everyone's weeks are going well!