Friday, January 11, 2008


A couple newsy tidbits I forgot to add:

Today was Abby's preschool re-screening--we got to have a re-do, since the first time around she was too shy to talk to anyone or participate in anything. Anyway, I was quite stressed about it, worried that second time around would be a repeat. But she did wonderfully!! I was so proud of her--she was brave enough to talk to everyone she needed to, even let go of my hand several times! She absolutely shone, and the screener said to me, "Wow--it must have been so frustrating for you, knowing that she can perform above and beyond, watching her not participate!" She flew through every challenge they threw at her with flying colors! I was in tears with pride and relief on our way to get celebratory ice cream treats!

Newsy tidbit number 2:

Girls, all ya'll better just drop out of the running now for 2008 "Mom of the Year". I've already got it in the bag--Bj asked Abby what her favorite food is--she said, "VEGGIES!!" Yup, pretty sure that's a clincher. I'll take my award now, thank you. ;)

Newsy tidbit number 3 (I know, I said a "couple", but this one just came to me):

One year "blogiversary" (as they call it in blogland) is coming up in a couple days. Coincidentally it's on Karolyn's birthday! Anyway, just thought I'd point it out. Seems like it should be commemorated somehow. A special Blogiversary Commemoration Post or something.

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