Sunday, September 30, 2007

J is for...

Oh the JOY!!! Sometimes I see some textiles that take my breath away. I've almost cried over fabrics...I get that twirly feeling in my tummy and--just can't even stand it! There's my embarassing secret. 2 things can overwhelm me emotionally--the kids and fabric. :) SO, when I saw this:

Well...surely you understand! ;) Unfortunately, it's $120 at Urban Outfitters. Right. So, I've officially begun the hunt for the right fabrics to give the same feel. There's more satisfaction in doing it yourself anyway, isn't there?!

The relative success of my Etsy shop has allowed for (squeal!!) a rash of guilt free fabric buying! These were today's acquisitions:

Don't you LOVE them?? I know you do! The pink version of the green one was featured in the October issue of Martha Stewart Living...another one of those "take your breath away" was a feature on pieced and quilted crafts, by Joelle of one of my favorite online shops, PurlSoho...see how beautiful?

I think part of the Take Your Breath Away Factor has to do with the "I can DO that!!!" feeling. Knowing that I can really make something THAT wonderful, with these very same hands that are usually shackled to the monotonous tasks of dishes and diapers.

I also found this:

on clearance at Urban Outfitters...those are little mod-vintagy birds pirched on those leaves! Fantastic! I swooped that sucker up faster than you could say Jiminy Cricket! Haha! Last one too, or so said the "availability checker"!! Hmmm...not sure what its extreme makeover will be yet--maybe some throw pillow covers, possibly a skirt? Part of a quilt? Oh, the possibilities!

This was also a super-score today from jumper for Abs?

Ahhhh...that feels better! Bj just says, "I don't get it." when I'm spouting joy over fabrics/textiles/craftiness. But when I put it here, I can at least imagine that someone is reading and appreciating along with me--maybe even feeling a little twirly?
So, thanks to my Etsy shop for all the J is for Joy!! Go check out Etsy and buy handmade!


Unknown said...

Twirly isn't exactly the word that comes to mind, but it sounds like know, those little bushy tailed nut hunters.

I'm with you on this one BJ

We're Bj and Ruthie said...

Well, ok. If this is how squirrely feels, then I like it. Call it what you will... :)