Thursday, September 20, 2007

H is for...

Home...there's no place like it, and we're glad to be here. Can you tell where we've been?

IGS had work in Duluth, so we and the DuMonts packed up and headed north! We found a 3 bedroom suite...who's the 3rd room for? Only our fantastic sitters--how lucky are we?!

"The Girlies", as Bj and Abby have dubbed them, came along to be extra hands and to let us have a little more freedom. They were so handy to have, and we appreciate them so much! are those fat feet again...

Good friends share rocks...

H is for Handsome...
H is for hand-scrubbed...which is how I found the kitchen floor when I came home from work last Tuesday. Scrubbed with love by my Handsome Husband...

A little too much fresh air for Abby? My only theory for this expression...

What can we find??

and sticks!

Good friends share horses too...

We arrived Sunday afternoon...the boys worked on Monday, leaving Tuesday and Wednesday for whatever! Having the girls along allowed us to enjoy dinner sans kids twice, and Michelle and I got to spend the afternoon strolling, site seeing, shopping and chatting while the boys worked! The kids enjoyed being together, seeing new things, playing by the lake, climbing on rocks and swimming in the pool.

H is for...How the Heck did Abby grow up so quickly? We've got her preschool screening coming up in November already...suddenly school decisions are staring us in the face! Public school? Homeschool? Some of each? Can we afford any of the private schools around here? The thought of sending her to school terrifies, saddens and excites me all at the same that it's a reality, I've been spending a lot of time mulling over the options, pros and cons of each scenario, puzzling over what is best for her...I just don't know. I suppose just like everything else in parenting, it just comes down to trial and error...

In other news, Alex is becoming a lot more verbal! His favorite is "NOoooooooo!"...cute the first, second, maybe even the third time--but it's quickly losing its adorability and moving him from cute to annoying at a rapid rate. Good thing he's also come up with "Mommy! Love you!"

Is it really Thursday already? Well...H is for Happy Hunting! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Karolyn said...

sweet deal! what would I give for a few days with a babysitter in Duluth? Maybe my left hand? And a hand washed floor? Wow! you've had a good week!