Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Thanks, Dad for sacrificing your whole self for us for more than 35 years. Wow. That number seems huge seeing it actually written out...that's right, isn't it? What a gift you've given, thank you. Because of your example, the good parts of me are what they are. There's the fun stuff...flying kites, riding bikes, root beer floats, Big League Chew, sledding, reel-to-reels, polka music, and a thousand other little memories that are all part of a much bigger picture of what you've contributed to me (all of us!) as a person. Then there's the other things...the things that aren't memories, but little threads of character woven into who we are. They're the things that are so hard to put into words. Maybe in part because YOU never put them in words, but rather lived them. Thank you for your example and demonstration of integrity, sacrifice, love and hard work.

Grandpa Rob, thank you for being such a willing part of the grandbabies' lives. We all appreciate you so much and the relationships we've had the pleasure of forging. Your open heart and generosity speak volumes about the man! And thank you for the best gift ever--Bj!! :) Have we told you that Alex points at your picture and says, "Bop Ba!!", which I'm assuming is "Grandpa". (We have your Thanksgiving picture up in their room.)

I can't close this post in good consience without also acknowledging the phenomenal standard of Daddy-ing my own husband demonstrates. Thank you, Bj for providing for all our children need, in every area of life. You've surpassed my imaginations of what kind of father my husband would be, and I love you so much for it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet thoughts; Thanks