Thursday, October 23, 2008

Still Waiting...

I thought since I feel like we're getting really close, I'd start filling everyone in on what's going here begins your blow-by-blow of prelabor signs and symptoms! Yesterday I had lots of contractions, but they weren't painful...and my stomach was upset. Upset stomach/diarrhea was a huge part of my labor with Abby, so I'm expecting that to be a sign this time around too. I was SO disappointed to wake this morning and realize I'd slept well, with no contractions.

Went to see Dr. Olson today--we're dilated 3 cm (need to make it to 10), and baby is LOW. He keeps mentioning induction, but I'm leaning away from that route. Alex was induced and I've regretted it a little since then--I think he could have handled a little more fattening up. But, I won't go past my due date, so if things start looking like they're headed that way, we'll induce.

Energy levels are up too--good sign!!!

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