Monday, December 3, 2007


December? Really? Oh my cows!

That snuck up! Sorry for the lack-o-post. I've been having issues with my computer charger part thingy. So I'm never sure if I have a charge, or if I can get one, or when the computer will die and stuff. And I'm just plain behind in general, uh, as usual.

The biggest thing I'm behind on (which makes ME a BIG Behind, if you know what I mean) is thanking the Chastains, Sr. for a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving week. We enjoyed our time so much, the kidlets are still talking about it, and already looking forward to the next time we can be together. (I've got the pics to prove the goodtime part, but I've got to transfer them to another computer so I can be confident that the computer won't shut down in the middle of uploading them to Blogger.) Thank you, thank you, thank you for the hospitality, food, rest, and general fun-ness--all of it was just exactly what the doctor ordered. Thank you!

And now...back to being behind. Or A behind, whichever...

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