Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day! It's late, and I'm tired, so I'm just going to put up some pics for now. I'll be back later when I'm feeling more wordy...
Miss Abby noticed me sucking down the coffee the other morning and requested her own "chocolate coffee", which is what she calls hot here she is, all grown up and enjoying her chocolate coffee...
Alex's mohawk was getting out of control, so I took the clipper to it!! He's sooo blonde that he looks bald sometimes, lol!! I don't think I'll do that again...good thing he's sooo cute!
Here's a pre-buzz can see a little of the crazy fuzz! This is his "You know you want me, baby!" look. Pretty sure I've seen it somewhere before...
Ok, well, looks like the pics are a little too big still. Dern it. Ah well...I'm really not that inept at taking pics, lol. I'll do better next time, but not this time...too tired... :)
Hey! Way to go!! :0) I love the pictures! If you ever need any help with it, let me know! If it is too hard, I can have my people call your people! ;0) I am putting a link to your blog on our blog so that all family/friends have to do it click your name on our page and vualah! I obviously took Spanish and not French so I don't know how to spell that one!
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