For kicks, and because she looks so sweet, here's Abby in the tutu and flower wreath I made her...
Alex's latest is that I *think* he might be saying "Thank you"! He says the same 2 syllables whenever I give him something to eat or his cup...they're pretty much unrecognizable, but they're consistantly in context...and end in "oo". The jury's still out on this one, but it's a possibility... :) Here he is proudly displaying his latest adorable cloth diaper! It's my new favorite, and has little cowboys and Indians on it.
Cloth diapering has turned into a hobby for me...I've got a pattern and the fabric (blue and brown--one of my fav combos!) to try my hand at sewing them up. I LOVE not having to worry about running out of diapers! Anyway, 'spose you might appreciate a head shot of the guy?
What a doof, huh?? Here's more:
Kissing the baby...he's such a lovey guy!
Here's all of them--aren't they wonderful? Sorry about the red-eye...too lazy to edit.
And for more kicks, here's my latest little project. I wanted to try a crazy quilt, and I've had this homely fabric laying around for quite a while...can you iamgine it was in the dollar bin at WalMart?? Lol...I can. It actually looks better in the pic than in real life...Bj's only comment on it was, "That's ugly." :) I've resized this pic about 30 times, but it's still huge, sorry!!
We're having a heat wave...we're in the 40's!! Some of the birds are back. Abby noticed their singing on our way to the car- it's so fun to watch her discover things! She said, "Mommy! Hear the birds?!" Hope you're all having a good week and can hear the birds!
1 comment:
I'm soooooooooo glad you started this blog. They seem to get a little bigger in every picture. Big kisses from grandpa and mini!
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