Friday, April 18, 2008

Season changes feel so great--the excitement of finding out what's around the corner and what this new time will bring, the changes in schedules and pasttimes--a chance for something fresh and new! Good times, good times. The snow if finally gone, the air is warming up and the sun is coming around a little more, things will be green soon! Finally.
We're busy at home--it feels wonderful to feel like myself again after what felt like months of just feeling "off". Laundry is caught up after weeks of living out of clothes baskets and I'm back to grocery shopping after weeks of pizza and cheeseburgers.
Abby is so creative and loves anything involving "making". I love being able to do "big girl" things together and hold conversations while we work together-- she worked so hard on a necklace while Alex napped one afternoon:

We've fallen into the habit of having "chocolate coffee" or tea most times...

Here's a sleepy boy, post-nap:

He's so huggable. Hmmm...what else? He repeats "Mom! Look at ME!" 100 times a day, or 10 times that if we go to the park. He's excited to be such a big boy this year, and truly, I'm excited about it too, because it means more bench sitting and less damage control/following/helping/pushing/pulling for me at the park! :)

Things we're looking forward to:

  • A 4th birthday in a week.
  • The end of Sunday School and Homegroup for the summer (for REAL?? EVERY evening of the week will be open??).
  • My last day at work next week.
  • Swimming lessons.
  • Watching business come in for IGS, and the first summer in 10, 11 or 12 years that Bj hasn't spent climbing ladders and installing gutters.
  • Walking/biking to the lake and spending whole days at the park.
  • Blogging regularly again.

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