Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Where Are You?

That little hit counter down on the right hand corner of the screen keeps track of all sorts of fun facts--it tells how many hits happen here per day, how many returning visitors, how many new visitors, how long visits are, any links used to access the blog, where you're all reading from, and other info that I don't even understand! If I ask it nicely, it'll put you all on a map for me, like this, see?

There you are! :)

Editing to add...there was a weird comment posted by a "Yolar" with links to something posing as a Windows XP computer cleaning thingamajig that hijacks your browser. Not real. Maybe dangerous. I didn't wait around to find out. I deleted the comment, but just a heads up in case something like that shows up again, don't click the links.

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