Monday, November 3, 2008


Tomorrow we enter our 41st week of pregnancy. I did NOT see this coming...I don't know why I was so certain this baby would be here by week 39, but I was. After holding onto that idea for the entire pregnancy, I feel like I'm already weeks overdue. Dr. Olson asked that we call him to schedule an induction if baby doesn't appear by Thursday. I'm not totally thrilled with the idea--I keep remembering the scary moments of Alex's heartrate dipping tremendously low during his induction...

I'm still contracting on and off every day, feeling like I have one foot in and one foot out of active labor.

Yesterday was our 6th anniversary!! We didn't do much...Grandma took the kids for the afternoon (thanks, Mom!) and we caught a movie. But it was fun...probably the last movie we'll see in the theater for quite a while.

If you're wondering where all the pictures are, the camera is packed up in the hospital bag, lol!

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