So. Weather's nice, we're getting out. Feels good. These are at our favorite park (they're cell phone pics, so I apologize if the quality's not quite wonderful):
The usual response lately when told to "Smile!!"...(that's marker on Alex's hand)

The bench where daddy proposed to mommy...
The view from the bench where daddy proposed to mommy...
Not bad.
Alex has been fighting a brutal stomach flu for the past 3 days...the poor guy is pretty much wiped out. Abby is going out of her mind and climbing the walls waiting for him to recover so we can leave the house again. I'm overflowing with gratitude that it seems pretty isolated and the rest of us haven't come down with it (knock on wood). Bj is busy with work, but we're appreciating the flexibility he has with his time, and I'm so thankful he's not putting in the 14 hour days installing anymore!
Baby news: I had an ultrasound this morning, everything looks wonderful. We're at 16 wks, 4 days, due date of Nov. 4th. We were also able to spot a little something between the legs, Dr. Olson said he'd put money on it being a boy! We'll be able to tell for sure at the 20 week ultrasound, but it looked pretty clear to me as well. Abby went along with me to the ultrasound--she said, "Mom, it sure is dark in your tummy!!" Her name suggestions so far: David and Napkin. I'm getting more and more excited to meet this one--I'm not sure if it's the arrival of spring or if it's hormonal, but I'm definately already in nesting mode!!
Home Group has finished up for the year, there's one more Sunday of Sunday School to teach, one more grad party to go to, then it's just sitting back, enjoying the summer, enjoying the kids and getting ready for baby! What an ideal way to pass the is good.
Is the doctor really sure about that date? I hear the 1st of November is a great day of the year to have a baby boy : )
That's what I hear! We've got Aunty Lisha hoping for her birthday the 5th, and Bj holding out for one more 26th baby. Oh the suspense!
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