Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Mr. Wonderful
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Pleased to Meet You!
After an easy labor and delivery, we're all home, and glad to be here. We couldn't have asked for a more fun birth, a better eater, or a prouder big brother and sister.
Alex's reaction to meeting his brother sums it all up...we're all feeling delighted and a little giddy...
The name: Elijah--my God is the Lord, Matthew--gift from God. True. All of it. And now, we're going to go snuggle.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thank God.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
There is definitely an increase in discomfort and contractions. But they still have yet to develop into any sort of pattern. We're all restless...just waiting, feeling a little aimless, waiting...I feel like we're holding our breath, life and routine are paused while we wait...meanwhile, baby grows bigger and bigger.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I'm still contracting on and off every day, feeling like I have one foot in and one foot out of active labor.
Yesterday was our 6th anniversary!! We didn't do much...Grandma took the kids for the afternoon (thanks, Mom!) and we caught a movie. But it was fun...probably the last movie we'll see in the theater for quite a while.
If you're wondering where all the pictures are, the camera is packed up in the hospital bag, lol!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Whew, that was BAD!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Oh the Pain
I'm not sure which is worse: the pain, or the annoyance and frustration I feel now.
The suspense is killing me.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
More. Of the Same.
Another contracty day, with contrax on and off for much of the afternoon, several painful, and a general "crampiness". But by this point of the evening, Bj's lost hope for his 3rd to be born with a 26th birthday to match the other 2...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Contractions are still happening occasionally today, but they're not very business-like.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Still Waiting...
Went to see Dr. Olson today--we're dilated 3 cm (need to make it to 10), and baby is LOW. He keeps mentioning induction, but I'm leaning away from that route. Alex was induced and I've regretted it a little since then--I think he could have handled a little more fattening up. But, I won't go past my due date, so if things start looking like they're headed that way, we'll induce.
Energy levels are up too--good sign!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ready and Waiting...
They enjoyed drawing things they saw and making crayon rubbings of the different leaves and textures we found. Tossing rocks in the "Mrs. Ippi" river is always a hit, and the crunchy fallen leaves provided a fun soundtrack for our "hike". It has amazed me how quickly they take the lead on learning when given the opportunity...nothing is more gratifying than seeing their enthusiasm for a subject lead to discovery and learning.
It sounds cheesy, but most days my heart is full to overflowing of gratitude and a little disbelief at the amazing amount of blessing in our lives. It's astounding that our home gets to be the container for so much physically uncomfortable this time is for me, and as loooong as the waiting gets, it's so important to me that every moment is savored and lived in. I know a day is coming that we will struggle to remember what the early years of our family were like.
That being said, we're also overwhelmed with anticipation and excitement! Baby will be here soon (right??) and soon after that the holidays will be here, followed by endless days of cozy-ing, cuddling, reading, and being together, tucked away from the wintery blasts. I love this time of year a little more every year!
In the meantime, we're ready...
ready and waiting.
(This is a 35 week picture, so imagine it 3 weeks bigger.)
Diapers, check. Teensy, tiny sleepers, check. Teensy, tiny socks, check. Crib set up, check. Burp cloths, check. Minivan, check. (!!!Hooray!!! The Saturn was ok and met our needs, but it is SO nice to be able to travel outside of a 20 mile radius without fear of breaking down...and to have A/C...and a blower fan that blows--but in a good way...and to have a bumper that is attached to the front rather than jerry-rigged with wire and a hope and a prayer. And a muffler that...well, muffles!) So, there'll one more visit with Dr. Olson this week, then hopefully, hopefully...!!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Good intentions...
In the absence of a "Birthday Tree", it was decided by the Birthday Executives that gifts should be stored under the kitchen table. (photography also by Abby)
A spur-of-the-moment trip to Mall of America...
A rediscovered (for Dad) and newly discovered (for Son) passion for Legos...I imagine I'll be stepping on these things for quite a while now...
Summer days always fly by so quickly! We're ready though, to sink into the coziness of home that cooler weather brings. Our fall schedule has begun--Sunday School, Wednesday evening Home Group, the kids' Mommy and Me type classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings...we're finding a rhythm and routine.
Abby is still an enthusiastic student and is flying through her schoolwork. Her maturity is increasing by leaps and bounds--she's a wonderful, chatty, obedient little friend to take wherever I go--we've been enjoying each other more and more all the time.
Alex has decided he simply doesn't have the time to use the toilet anymore. I've given up the fight for now and will try again later. He's keeping us laughing and proudly tells all who will listen that his "Baby brother is in my mommy's tummy!"
Baby Brother is coming along nicely. We had another ultrasound this week to (as Dr. Olson put it) make sure baby is "locked and loaded" for the homestretch. Head down and heading towards a bigger birthweight than either of the other two, baby is indeed "locked and loaded"!
I'm uncomfortable and tired. And uncomfortable. And tired. And still nesting, nesting, nesting...IGS is still humming along, although not at quite so alarming a rate. Next month marks the 2 year anniversary of the company...the time has gone quickly, but at the same time, I can barely remember a time Bj didn't work for himself. It has been more of a blessing than we could have imagined at the very start.
Little people clammoring for food...this is where I'd normally make promises of next post not being so long in coming, but I'm not even going to bother. Because I really don't know when the next post will be. Because I'm uncomfortable. And tired.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
See Pop!
Now we're knee deep in school. An unexpected result of working hard on schoolwork in the morning is that it seems to make the kids' little heads tired and/or they're tired of having my undivided attention...afternoons have been very peaceful with little bickering between them and no clammoring for my attention. Several times I've had to check on them after realizing I hadn't heard from them in over an hour...there they are, peacefully playing trains, reading stories or playing dollhouse.
It's hard to believe summer is already coming to an end. I hope everyone's enjoying the last hot days!
Monday, August 11, 2008
After Wednesday things should settle down again for a while...for a couple more weeks before we jump into fall schedule. I'll be teaching preschool Sunday School while Bj takes the teens, hosting a home group on Wednesday nights, and the kids will each be enrolled in a one day a week Early Childhood Education class here in our school district. I gave up playing keyboard on Sunday mornings as there seems to be a greater Sunday School teacher need, and doing both is unrealistic.
IGS is crazy busy. They purchased another truck and gutter machine and are looking for more installers, considering yet another truck/machine--they've been turning away new contractors, and falling behind quickly with the work load their current contractors are throwing at them. This makes for long work days and stressed out owners as contractors call daily wondering when their jobs will be completed. They're not anticipating the usual slow down in business when winter arrives this year. Over all, mostly good problems to have. (But I was looking forward to having a little help at home when Newbie arrives.)
Last week my friend Lisa lead worship at church with the song "A Little Longer" in the mix--since then the words have been swirling around my heart (and the Ipod over and over, lol) in the midst of the busy and daily life:
What can I do for You? What can I bring to You?
What kind of song would you like me to sing?
Cause I'll dance a dance for You
Pour out my love to You
What can I do for You beautiful king?
'Cause I... can't thank You enough.
I can't thank You enough
What can I do for You?
What can I bring to You?
What kind of song would you like me to sing?
I hear You say...
"You... don't have to do a thing
Just simply be with me and let those things go
'Cause they can wait another minute
Wait... this moment is too sweet
Would you please stay here with Me
And love on Me a little longer
I'd love to be with you a little longer
'Cause I'm in love with you
I find myself needing the daily reminder to "let those things go, cause they can wait another minute"...contractor phone calls and getting the kids to class and setting up homeschool and finding time to be with friends and planning for Sunday school...all of those things fade in importance next to the question "What can I do for YOU, beautiful King?"
So. There's the nitty gritty. I'll be back probably late in the week with more fun pictures and entertaining posts. I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend!!