Colors are all so much brighter in the fall--the sun is so gold, the trees are all decked out in their finest, the air is so clean! There's always such a promise of change, something new around the corner--fall is laced with anticipation!
We took a trip to the orchard this week--the weather was absolutely perfect. Alex started out like this:
But it didn't take long for him to wake up! We had such a fun time--feeding and petting the critters, sampling the apples, browsing the shop, playing on the tractor, the maze, just enjoying the day!!
These guys are so friendly and nice! We enjoyed them lots!
Such a sweet puppy!!
"He really likes you, Mommy!"
And this is me after waiting for Blogger to upload all the pictures!!
Everybody have a great weekend, full of bright colors, crisp air and anticipation!
I've received some complaints about the banner still being too wide...sorry about that! I'll edit it as soon as I get a minute!
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