See how friendly? He (she?) and Abby are already best buds!
Oohhhh the cookie glee!!!
With a milk 'stache to match!
Thank you Grandpa and Mimi for the sweet and tasty treat!
Saturday night was a flurry of laying out Easter clothes, getting kids bathed, monkey bread started (yay, I remembered!), Easter baskets put together and hors d'oeuvres
and dessert made for Easter dinner at Grandmama's. Sunday we started with breakfast at church (my monkey bread was dubbed "The Best", yay!), followed by the service, then off to Grandmama's for Easter dinner! The food was yummy and plentiful, the kids got sugared up and spoiled and a good time was had by all!
Did you note the ball in each hand? Alex always has a ball nearby...usually 2 or 3. He would honestly be happy as a lark if balls were the only toys he had!
Try as I might, I couldn't get the kids to stay in the same place for long enough to get a happy picture of both of them!
Sounds like their patience is running low, so I suppose my blogging time is up.
In sad news, my uncle passed away last week, so tomorrow we'll be heading up to Grand Forks for the memorial on Thursday. Although the circumstances aren't anyone's choice, it's an opportunity to see family we rarely connect with. Send good traveling vibes to the kids--5 hours is a long time for them to be tied down!
Hey, I thought I was suposed to make the "monkey" bread?
Lol! Your hairy knuckles might have shed in the dough, so I took care of it. ;o)
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