So between busyness, what have we been up to? Oh, a little snacking...
a little painting and sewing...
a little hugging...
aaaannnnnnnndd...a little more snacking!
We took a break from eating to try on a new diaper! This diaper is soooo soft! It's light blue minky fabric in the back and tabs and dark brown minky in the front--I had a little trouble getting the model to stay still...
and an embroidered bum!!
Them's some fancy pants!
Ok, enough cloth diaper commercials, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Auntie Karen turned 20 this year-she and Abby share a birthday. On Tuesday we surprised Karen with a birthday dinner at Russel's On the Lake--she never saw it coming! It was fun...then we surprised her even more with Faith Hill concert tickets. I'd say it went over pretty well...
Thursday was Abby's birthday--since her party wasn't until Saturday, we let her open a gift, then took her to Burger King for breakfast...
She's a bakin' animal! Thank you Grandpa and Mimi, for the baking set and princess game! Abby can't remember what the mixer is called, so she calls it her "thing", lol!
Finally THE day arrived--the day of the PARTY. Abby didn't believe she was actually 3 until she'd had cake and candles.
The weather was ideal for the park! We flew kites,
blew bubbles,
got and gave wagon rides,
had swordfights,
and played a LOT. (That's our good friend Ezra climbing with Abby!)
Of course there was food, cake and gifts! (And that's our good friend Tirzah noshing on the pasta!)
And so, tired, dirty, sticky, and scraped up...
this happy girl says goodbye to 2 and welcomes a new year! Thank you all so much for coming and making it a fun time!
I can't believe it's been 3 years! The time has gone by in a blink-my little baby is a little girl now! She's learned so much this year--her ABC's, how to count, lots of songs and rhymes, she potty trained, she grew 3 sizes, and doesn't stop talking. We're so proud of her!
I hear the big girl "helping" by washing her brother up in the tub...I had better go initiate a little damage control...I hope you all have a wonderful week!