In the absence of a "Birthday Tree", it was decided by the Birthday Executives that gifts should be stored under the kitchen table. (photography also by Abby)
A spur-of-the-moment trip to Mall of America...
A rediscovered (for Dad) and newly discovered (for Son) passion for Legos...I imagine I'll be stepping on these things for quite a while now...
Summer days always fly by so quickly! We're ready though, to sink into the coziness of home that cooler weather brings. Our fall schedule has begun--Sunday School, Wednesday evening Home Group, the kids' Mommy and Me type classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings...we're finding a rhythm and routine.
Abby is still an enthusiastic student and is flying through her schoolwork. Her maturity is increasing by leaps and bounds--she's a wonderful, chatty, obedient little friend to take wherever I go--we've been enjoying each other more and more all the time.
Alex has decided he simply doesn't have the time to use the toilet anymore. I've given up the fight for now and will try again later. He's keeping us laughing and proudly tells all who will listen that his "Baby brother is in my mommy's tummy!"
Baby Brother is coming along nicely. We had another ultrasound this week to (as Dr. Olson put it) make sure baby is "locked and loaded" for the homestretch. Head down and heading towards a bigger birthweight than either of the other two, baby is indeed "locked and loaded"!
I'm uncomfortable and tired. And uncomfortable. And tired. And still nesting, nesting, nesting...IGS is still humming along, although not at quite so alarming a rate. Next month marks the 2 year anniversary of the company...the time has gone quickly, but at the same time, I can barely remember a time Bj didn't work for himself. It has been more of a blessing than we could have imagined at the very start.
Little people clammoring for food...this is where I'd normally make promises of next post not being so long in coming, but I'm not even going to bother. Because I really don't know when the next post will be. Because I'm uncomfortable. And tired.