Days like yesterday, that is. But before I can tell that story, I have to back up several months. Bj had his heart set on a big, flat screen TV. He researched, and gazed, and drooled, and caressed TVs for months while he saved his "extra" money. Then one day a month or 2 ago, the time came. He made a pilgrimage to Sam's Club and returned with his spoils, the conquering hero. We were the proud owners of big, flat, shiny TV, with superb picture--Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street have never looked so good!
Ok, fastforward to yesterday. Bj and the kids were sitting in the living room when they heard a "Pfft!"...upon investigation, it became apparent that the prized TV quit working. Nothing happened when the power button was pushed. Nada, zilch, zero. Incredulous and disappointed, but not hopeless! Sam's Club has an excellent return policy, it's what keeps us coming back. So, Bj called Sam's, they said, "Sure, bring it in, we'll exchange it for another." How handy!
Even handier, Bj happened to be heading that direction for a meeting anyway--he loaded the TV up and had an effortless exchange experience with Sam's Club. End of story, right? Nope. He proceeded on to the meeting--and here's where it gets terrible: upon returning to the Suburban post meeting, to his horror, he found the driver's side window smashed in and the brand new TV no where to be seen! Ugh! The horror! OH the HUMANITY!! The necessary people were called, paper work filled out etc.
Then the salt in the wound: the icy trip home. The meeting was 45 minutes away, people. It was 11:30 p.m. Temperatures were at zero and below here last night, people. Add to that the wind chill coming from a wide open driver's side window at 70 m.p.h., and you have one chilly, sad, freezing, frustrated, icy, disappointed and mad guy. Well, he didn't actually say he felt any of that (except the cold part), I'm just guessing. Outwardly, he was very calm, his unflappable self, even chuckling as he told me the story.
Anyway, it's the pits. But I'm sure it will all come out in the wash, somehow. These things usually do. Like the letter that came from the IRS today, telling us we did our taxes wrong, and we owe THEM money, not the other way around (thankfully, we already found the problem there, and it works on our favor). Or the stink in my fridge that I can't find. Or the coughs and runny noses the kids are having a heckuva time kicking. Mom said it well when she said, "Well, at least there's a pretty good chance tomorrow will be a better day!"
Yup! It's true.
We lose an hour tonight, tomorrow should be declared an official Nap Day.