Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Soundtrack of Our Lives...

Abby: Mama? Mama? Mama???
Me: Yes, babe?
Abby: I'm a good tie-er, right? I can tie things real good. Because I'm big and strong. Because I eat food--food makes us big and strong. Dad is real strong, he has lots of muscles, and Uncle Rick has muscles. When I'm seven I'll be big, but I'm a big girl now. I can run real fast, I pass Doot-doot. But when I'm seven I'll be big and I'll run real faster. OH! I forgot to wash the garbage can. Can I wash the garbage can?
Me: sure.
Abby: 'Cause you have lots of homework {all housework is "homework"} to do. But I'm a good helper, I can help real good. We have a lot of homework to do, but I can help because I'm big and strong. Food makes us big and strong. Strong to do our homework, wash the garbage can and dust everything and wash the toilet. OH! I forgot to do my hair for church tonight. I'll get everything aaaaalllll ready. I'm going to get the brush (OH! Can I wear my dress with the roses and the ballerina slippers and the bows and the little dots? That will match real good.) I'll get the brush and the clips, but I don't want a pony tail, just clips and a headband. You can borrow my headband if you want to. Oh! Can I wear tights? Mama? Mama?
Me: Yes, you can wear tights.
Abby: Thank you Mama! That will match real good and my dancing shoes and my clips, and my headband, a pink one. And a purple one. Pink and purple are my favorite colors and I like red. Doot-doot likes blue. What's your favorite color, Mama? Oh! I know, you like green and Daddy likes green and orange and I like red...but pink and purple are my favorite colors. But I like red. Flora is red, 'cause she's my pet, right Mama? Fishes are pets, my pet is Flora, what kind of fish is Flora again, Mama?
Me: she's a beta fish.
Abby: Oh! a beta fish. That's what I told Miss Megan, that she's a red fish. Named Flora. She's my pet--I talked to Miss Megan, Mama! At my class. And I played play-doh and sang songs, remember, Mama? And painted and it was real messy, right Mama? But Miss Megan can clean it up if she wants to, right Mama? Miss Megan said I was big because I'm big and strong to pass Doot-doot. Food makes us big and strong. When I'm seven I'll be bigger and bigger, right Mama?

...the cheerful chatter goes on and on and on and on...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Slipping into a Pizza Coma...

Here's Alex demonstrating how Bj and I feel after a big pizza lunch on this coooold, lazy Saturday afternoon!

Birthday and Other Stuff

Here are the 2nd Birthday pics...they're not great. Alex was pretty grumpy that we woke him up, so these are the best I could do!

Stealing frosting tastes:

Closest thing to a smile I could get:

Oh well...there'll be other, happier birthdays.

Other stuff we're doing:
Sewing. Abby picked out the fabric for an apron for herself months ago...I finally put it together last week--I'm too cheap to buy a pattern for something I can probably fudge together on my own, so I tore into her fabric with a hope and a prayer and am pretty pleased with the results:
(disregard the messy living room, please!)
And an action shot, making cookies for Home Group:
One less item on my ever expanding "To Make" up: p.j. pants, a skirt and new covers for throw pillows. A giant cable afghan is on my knitting needles right now--it's perfect to keep me feeling productive while watching TV!
Abby--currently in a "fort" fetish. Furniture perpetually out of place, every blanket in the house draped over this chair and that chair and all over the floor. (refer to messy living room in apron pic. #1) Alex is constantly in trouble for not using the correct "door" or for ruining a "window". Her ECFE class "Thrilling Threes" resumes next Monday, she's already planning her outfit...
I'm off to upload a funny (I think it is anyway) video of Alex...stay tuned!

Friday, January 11, 2008


A couple newsy tidbits I forgot to add:

Today was Abby's preschool re-screening--we got to have a re-do, since the first time around she was too shy to talk to anyone or participate in anything. Anyway, I was quite stressed about it, worried that second time around would be a repeat. But she did wonderfully!! I was so proud of her--she was brave enough to talk to everyone she needed to, even let go of my hand several times! She absolutely shone, and the screener said to me, "Wow--it must have been so frustrating for you, knowing that she can perform above and beyond, watching her not participate!" She flew through every challenge they threw at her with flying colors! I was in tears with pride and relief on our way to get celebratory ice cream treats!

Newsy tidbit number 2:

Girls, all ya'll better just drop out of the running now for 2008 "Mom of the Year". I've already got it in the bag--Bj asked Abby what her favorite food is--she said, "VEGGIES!!" Yup, pretty sure that's a clincher. I'll take my award now, thank you. ;)

Newsy tidbit number 3 (I know, I said a "couple", but this one just came to me):

One year "blogiversary" (as they call it in blogland) is coming up in a couple days. Coincidentally it's on Karolyn's birthday! Anyway, just thought I'd point it out. Seems like it should be commemorated somehow. A special Blogiversary Commemoration Post or something.

Pictures, Baby!

Well, there's no way I can give a play by play of our Christmas (es), but it was wonderful. In a nutshell, the kids enjoyed themselves completely and Uncle Rick gave me a chest freezer (!!!). Woot!

Ok, well, here's a bunch of Christmas pic's Grandmama took in front of her tree--I realized after uploading that I forgot to crop and zoom for ya'll, but you can get the idea...I can't get over how "young lady" and "young man" they look!! What? When did my babies grow up???

Christmas carnage:

Not newsy pics, but funny anyway...Alex modeling Abby's underwear...and Barbie's riding boots. He's convinced he's the funniest person in the world...think that's a Chastain quality.

There. Not Fancy, but a blog update nontheless. :)
Can you believe Alex is 2?? I can't. Birthday pics to come!!
Editing to add: as I was previewing this post, Alex happened along and saw himself with Abby's underwear on his head--apparently the humor wasn't just in the moment. He still finds it quite hilarious, confirming in his mind what a comedic talent he posseses.