is already almost over? As always, it's been flying by.... our summer has included lots of fun so far! Camping: Fun. Exhausting. Sunburning. Worth it.

"Fires are smokier than I thought!" said Abs...
But still so fun!! (A few too many marshmallows, perhaps?)
2 nights of camping were followed by a stay at water park resort in Wisconsin Dells. Hotels are blessedly comfortable after camping. 3 cheers for beds! And friends to share breakfast with!
Next, on to the watery fun!!
The waterpark was a complete hit with all!! SO much fun! Alex is still too short for the big slides and is now counting the months until he's 4. (we're all hoping 4 = tall enough!!) Abs and Ezra loved the big slides -- and happily skipped up the 16,492 steps to the top, cheerily calling, "Come on, Mom!"
Time to dry! Goofiness going on in the whole body blow dryer...
Oh my... he's cute. Here's the first of Elijah's customary bathtub pics...
Oh my, my...
Elijah was the pre-fireworks show this year... good gracious... those eyes! Those cheeks! I can't stand it. I have to go kiss them right now...
"I am!"
"No, a normal smile!"
"I am!"

I give up, back to baby...
Good thing the fireworks finally started, I was running out of camera memory. Fireworks with friends = almost as fun as camping and water sliding with friends.
Around home -- tea parties.
A new Martha craft book. Yes. Fun. I heart Martha.
Finger painting. Alex notes, "Mom, finger painting is SO fun, I just don't understand!" (?? I guess that means he likes it.)
Artsy Smartsy class at the library has been fun, but is sadly almost over... then it's swimming lessons for 2 weeks, then 3 days of "Ocean Odysseys Vacation Bible School", then back to school already! I'm almost all set for the new year of homeschool and Abby is dying to get into her crisp new math books and readers!
Elijah's got some lovely, shiny new teeth, and is working on a few more... he follows the big kids all day, pulls up to standing and gets into ev. ry. thing. All. The. Time.
In fact, he's been very quiet for quite a while...